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Artificial Intelligence,” by George Strawn (Jan 11)

Psychedelics,” by John Buchanan (Dec 13)

Can There Be a Civil Discussion about Vaccination?,” by Cliff Cobb (Dec 1)

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Processing Reality by John Buchanan Header
Center for Process Studies

NEW BOOK: Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety

In Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety, John Buchanan details his search for a paradigm capable of integrating the diverse kinds of data arising out of the scientific endeavor, our philosophical heritage, and insights from extraordinary experience, as well as recognizing fully the value and importance of nature and everyday life.

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Process & Faith

Interfaith Explorations Summer 2022: Spirit and the Movies II

After the overwhelming success of our Spring 2022 session of ‘Spirit and the Movies’, we have decided to continue our exploration of film and spirituality. In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.

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Process Century Press

New from Process Century Press—Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society, and Religion

Just released from Process Century Press, this new volume written by scholars around the world follows in Whitehead’s footsteps in calling for an organic reconception of our philosophical, societal, and religious disciplines. Far from ousting creativity, experience, mind, feeling, and value, the organic shift represented in these chapters reintegrates what was lost in the mechanistic paradigm.

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Reflecting On My Legacy

I am 98, and for that age, my faculties (sight and hearing and even thinking) are quite good. The one about which I do complain is memory. Probably I’m typical for my age. People are very understanding. While I still

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Introducing “Critical Conversations”

Dear Nexus Members, In February this year I began sending periodic letters to the representatives of our member organizations to keep them apprised of the latest developments and activities. Now that our members include both organizations and individuals, these letters

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Thinking More Ambitiously

Dear CPN Friends, I have held up on writing you recently because I don’t want to distract from specific planning for the meeting on October 2 at 10 PST. However, I am excited about overall developments and want to share

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Why the Center for Process Studies Supports the Nexus

For roughly 50 years Claremont, California has been home to a family of process people. For half a century, students, scholars, ministers, and more have been drawn together by a process-relational worldview for the common good and Claremont had served as a nexus for this community.

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