Process Century Press
April 18, 2022

New from Process Century Press—Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society, and Religion

Just released from Process Century Press, this new volume written by scholars around the world follows in Whitehead’s footsteps in calling for an organic reconception of our philosophical, societal, and religious disciplines. Far from ousting creativity, experience, mind, feeling, and value, the organic shift represented in these chapters reintegrates what was lost in the mechanistic paradigm.

The shift to organic modes of thought undergirding White head’s “philosophy of organism” continues to blossom into fresh possibilities for rethinking the world of nature, the place of human beings, and our current ecological precarity. This shift is being felt across disciplines, from philosophy to economics, society, and religion, as scholars are making new connections, challenging older contentions, and working together to realize an
ecological civilization. The contributions to this volume exemplify the interdisciplinary nature of this quest. Written by scholars from around the world, these proposals reconceive our understanding of philosophy, society and religion in an organic universe.

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  • Process Century Press

    Process Century Press is an academic press associated with the International Process Network and dedicated to transdisciplinary applications of process thought. The press has published more than 2 dozen books that view scholarly issues and world concerns from a process perspective.

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