news at the nexus
Processing Reality by John Buchanan Header
Alfred North Whitehead
Center for Process Studies

NEW BOOK: Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety

In Processing Reality: Finding Meaning in Death, Psychedelics, and Sobriety, John Buchanan details his search for a paradigm capable of integrating the diverse kinds of data arising out of the scientific endeavor, our philosophical heritage, and insights from extraordinary experience, as well as recognizing fully the value and importance of nature and everyday life.

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Process & Faith

Interfaith Explorations Summer 2022: Spirit and the Movies II

After the overwhelming success of our Spring 2022 session of ‘Spirit and the Movies’, we have decided to continue our exploration of film and spirituality. In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.

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Alfred North Whitehead
Process Century Press

New from Process Century Press—Nature in Process: Organic Proposals in Philosophy, Society, and Religion

Just released from Process Century Press, this new volume written by scholars around the world follows in Whitehead’s footsteps in calling for an organic reconception of our philosophical, societal, and religious disciplines. Far from ousting creativity, experience, mind, feeling, and value, the organic shift represented in these chapters reintegrates what was lost in the mechanistic paradigm.

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Living Earth Movement
Living Earth Movement

Living Earth Movement Launch & John Cobb Birthday Celebration

As the newest member organization of the Claremont Process Nexus, we are honored and excited to invite you to join us for the launch of the Living Earth Movement (LEM) on Friday, February 25. We will also celebrate the 97th birthday of John B. Cobb, one of LEM’s founders and an inspiration to our movement.

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Cobb Institute

Introduction to Religions &; Ecology, Coursera by Yale

This course is for lifelong learners curious to know more about world religions and ecology, environmental professionals eager to deepen the discourse of environmental protection and conservation, those working with non-profit organizations and NGOs on issues of ecological justice, and religion leaders and laity who what to know how they can contribute to interreligious dialogue on environmental projects.

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Cobb Institute

Interfaith Explorations: Spirit and the Movies

After we see a film (a movie, a documentary, a super bowl advertisement) we are inwardly moved. We wonder to ourselves: How did it inspire me? Challenge me? Move me? What did I learn from it? What questions does it raise for me? It is especially meaningful if we can discuss this with others – we grow through this discussion. In this eight-week session, we will make use of films and their reviews as springboards for our own soulful reflections.

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Cobb Institute

Beauty & Process Theology Course

In this four-session course, Patricia Adams Farmer will elucidate a Whiteheadian-inspired theology of beauty with a view to deepening understanding, enriching spirituality, encouraging an ecological vision, and nurturing hope.

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