The Great Turning: Thriving in the Emerging New World

Event Series

In a time of escalating global crises on all levels, affecting all species, with no apparent hope of easing in the foreseeable future, one can be forgiven for plummeting headlong into the depths of despair, unable to take in one more shred of incontrovertible evidence of human-caused catastrophe.

Yet out of this darkest night, a barely perceptible ember faintly flickers and begins to beckon. The great mystics call this a time of savage grace. What is the gift at the heart of darkness we are being beckoned to turn towards? Is there a purpose in all we are enduring?

For 4 months, you are invited to explore this phenomenon together with like-minded, courageous soul friends to attentively grow the ember into a flame that will spark the divine light of consciousness in all of us and birth a new humanity capable of thriving in the emerging new world.