From Sept. 29 through November 17, the Interfaith Center and the Cobb Institute are sponsoring interfaith explorations of sacred texts from many of the world’s religions. We will use the book “The World’s Wisdom: Sacred Texts of the World’s Religions,” edited by Philip Novak, as our guide. Each week Sophia Said and Jay McDaniel choose texts from the various chapters for group discussion and send page numbers in advance. Our focus this time around will be on texts from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddihsm. Please join us if you’d like; email the Interfaith Center (address on image) to register and get the zoom link.
Open Horizons is a website exploring a process outlook on life and way of living in the world. Its focus is on the practical application of process thought to daily life, personal spirituality, and community well-being. Its themes include philosophy, theology, spirituality, arts and music, education, social justice, ecology, science, and ecological civilization. Its authors include writers and artists from different cultural and religious traditions: Jay McDaniel, Bradley Artson, Patricia Adams Farmer, John Cobb, Llupe Llanes, Farhan Shah, Nita Gilger, Jon Gill, Mary Ann Brussat, Bangxiu Xie, Frederic Brussat, Sophia Said, Philip Clayton, Christina Hutchins, Andrew Scwartz, Kathleen Reeves, Bruce Epperly, Meijun Fan, Marcus Ford, Susannah Stubbs, Terry Goddard, Songhe Wang, Thomas Oord, Sheri Kling, Hope Montgomery, Zhihe Wang, and Jea Sophia Oh. Its aim is to communicate and explore a process approach to life through many ways of knowing - verbal, visual, and musical - recognizing that the process outlook on life can be evoked through many "lures for feeling" that are not reducible to philosophical prose. The Open Horizons community includes people on all continents: it averages 200 - 300 unique visitors a day.
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